[1]陈平平 孙美姝. 郑和第七次下西洋的使命与贡献[J].南通航运职业技术学院学报,2018,(03):48-54.[doi:10.3969/j.issn.1671-9891.2018.03.011]
 CHEN Ping-ping SUN Mei-shu. Mission and Contribution of Zheng He’s Seventh Voyage to Western Ocean[J].Journal of Nantong Vocational & Technical Shipping College,2018,(03):48-54.[doi:10.3969/j.issn.1671-9891.2018.03.011]





 Mission and Contribution of Zheng He’s Seventh Voyage to Western Ocean
 陈平平 孙美姝
 南京晓庄学院生命科学系 南京市第三高级中学
 CHEN Ping-ping SUN Mei-shu
 Dept. of Life Science, Nanjing Xiaozhuang University The Third High School of Nanjing
 郑和下西洋 使团船队 皇明朝 交通航线
 Zheng He’s Voyages to Western Ocean missionary fleet Emperor Ming Dynasty traffic routes

郑和第七次下西洋, 是明太宗朱棣时期郑和六次下西洋的继续和终结。明宣宗朱瞻基是郑和第七次下西洋的决策者和驱动者, 郑和

、王景弘为此次航行的正使。此次航行以强大的国家综合实力为后盾, 以无敌的海军特混舰队为使团船队, 以和平友好、互利共赢


维护地区的和平;整修海外的基地;恢复和扩展东西洋交通航线;开展贸易, 采购物资;促进亚非地区各国的政治、经济、文化、宗教

、物产等的交流与和平发展;巩固明朝在国际上主导地位的重要使命。郑和第七次下西洋出使26国, 时跨三年, 是一次大规模的和

平外交与航海活动, 体现了“各敬顺天道, 抚揖人民, 以共享太平之福”的和平、共同发展的理念。


Zheng He’s seventh voyage to Western Ocean was the continuation and end of his six voyages to Western Ocean during

the Ming Dynasty’s Zhu Di period. Ming Dynasty Xuanzong Emperor Zhu Zhanji was the decision maker and driver of

Zheng He’s seventh voyage to Western Ocean. Zheng He and Wang Jinghong were the representing ambassadors of the

voyage. Backed by strong national comprehensive power, based on mixed invincible naval missionary fleet, and

guided by the concept of peace, friendship, mutual benefit, common development, and “sharing the happiness of

peace”, the voyage was carried out with the mission of developing tributary relations between many countries and

the Ming Dynasty; it mediated international disputes to maintain regional peace; renovated overseas bases,

restored and expanded the eastern and western transport routes; carried out trade and procurement of materials;

promoted the exchanges and peaceful development of politics, economy, culture, religion, and property in countries

in Asia and Africa; consolidated the important mission of the Ming Dynasty and its dominant position in the

international arena. Zheng He’s seventh voyage to Western Ocean, crossing 26 countries in three-year period, was a

large-scale peace diplomacy and maritime activity, reflecting the concept of peace and common development in

“respecting the heavens and the people, helping to share the happiness of peace”.



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更新日期/Last Update: 2019-01-24