[1]杨亚新. 长江口北部沿海地区雾的气候特征及其与气象要素的关系[J].南通航运职业技术学院学报,2018,(02):18-34.[doi:10.3969/j.issn.1671-9891.2018.02.007]
 YANG Ya-xin. Climatic Characteristics of Fog and Its Relationship with Meteorological Elements in the Northern Coastal Area of the Yangtze River Estuary[J].Journal of Nantong Vocational & Technical Shipping College,2018,(02):18-34.[doi:10.3969/j.issn.1671-9891.2018.02.007]





 Climatic Characteristics of Fog and Its Relationship with Meteorological Elements in the

Northern Coastal Area of the Yangtze River Estuary

 YANG Ya-xin
 Dept.of Navigation, Nantong Vocational & Technical Shipping College
 长江口北部沿海地区 气候特征 气象要素
 northern coastal area of Yangtze River estuary fog climatic characteristics

meteorological factors

 为了掌握长江口北部沿海地区雾的生消规律以及为其开展雾的生消预测提供参考依据, 利用1981—2010

年南通、启东、海门三个气象观测站地面气象观测资料, 统计分析了长江口北部沿海地区雾的气候特征

及其与气象要素的关系。结果表明:长江口北部沿海地区的雾具有较明显的年际变化特征, 平均每年有16

—17天, 出现浓雾 (能见度≤0.5 km) 的概率达60%以上;季节变化明显, 冬季最多、春季和秋季其次、

夏季最少;主要发生在下半夜到清晨, 日出以后雾逐渐消散。有利于长江口北部沿海地区雾形成的气象条

件是:相对湿度90%以上, 风向为E-ESE-SE-SSE, 风速4 m/s以下, 海平面气压在1 01.51 03.0 kPa之间,

气温在2℃20℃的区间内。风速越小, 相对湿度越大, 形成的雾越浓。

 In order to make ship’s crew understand the regular pattern of fog setting or lifting in

the northern coastal area of the Yangtze River estuary and provide reference for its

prediction of fog, based on the ground meteorological observation data of three

meteorological stations in Nantong, Qidong and Haimen between 1981 and 2010, the climatic

characteristics of fog in the northern coastal area of the Yangtze River estuary and its

relationship with meteorological elements were analyzed statistically. The results show

that the fog in the northern coastal area of the Yangtze River estuary is featured by

obvious inter-annual variation. The average is 16-17 days annually. The probability of the

dense fog (visibility ≤0.5 km) is more than 60%. Seasonal changes of fog are obvious,

mostly in winter, followed in spring and autumn, and the least in summer. The fog mainly

occurs from midnight to morning and dissipates after sunrise. The relative humidity is over

90%, the wind direction is E-ESE-SE-SSE, the wind speed is below 4 m/s, the sea level

pressure is between 101.5 and 103.0 kPa, and the temperature is in the range of 2℃-20℃,

all of which are favorable conditions for fog formation. The smaller the wind speed is, the

greater the relative humidity is, and the thicker the fog is formed.



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更新日期/Last Update: 2018-09-14