With the completion of the 12.5-meter deep-water channel in the Yangtze River, more and
more ultra-large ocean-going vessels enter and leave the ports of the Yangtze River, as
well as need to anchor at the joint inspection anchorage in Nantong waiting for berthing.
Under the situation of complicated upward traffic flow at the joint inspection anchorage in
Nantong and its surrounding waters, the anchoring operation of the super-large vessels in
Nantong is limited by such conditions as congested anchorage, limited availability of
anchoring waters, and poor maneuverability of ultra-large vessels at low speed. Therefore,
in order to ensure the safe anchoring of large ocean-going vessels at the joint inspection
anchorage in Nantong, the navigational officers are required to carefully analyze the
handling characteristics of the ultra-large ocean-going vessels and the traffic flow near
the anchorage, and perform well in safe maneuvering of ultra-large ocean-going vessels at
the joint inspection anchorage in Nantong.