猟嫗參晩囂仝てもらう々鞘侏葎箭, 傍苧阻燕幣強恬娩鞭購狼鞘侏屡根嗤瓜強喘隈匆根嗤聞叨喘隈, 揖扮
珊戻竃壓短嗤萩箔、維熔議念戻和, 強恬繁嚥瓜強恬繁短嗤岷俊強恬購狼議兆簡窃喘隈, 醤嗤匯協議歌深
Taking仝てもらう々as an example, this article comes to the conclusion that sentence patterns
on the relationship between giving and accepting include cases of passives and causatives.
In addition, it points out that there don¨t exist noun-type forms for the action
relationship between the agent and the receiver unless in cases of request.
[1] 恃消g.F旗晩云Zの燕FとZ隈[M].叫奨:搾伏w, 1936. [2] 安薯彰匯, 俾拐鯖.仝?てもらう々とそれに鬉垢誦亶Z燕FD仝々を嶄伉にD[J].晩云Z縮圄 , 1982 (46) :1-27. [3] 吩臓崗.晩云Zにおける娩鞭嘖~と寓{來[J].冱Z, 2001 (11) :26-32. [4] 川鷲雑.仝てもらう々猟の吭龍について[J]q冱Z親僥鹿, 2001 (5) :97-108.
[1] 恃消g.F旗晩云Zの燕FとZ隈[M].叫奨:搾伏w, 1936.
[2] 安薯彰匯, 俾拐鯖.仝?てもらう々とそれに鬉垢誦亶Z燕FD仝々を嶄伉にD[J].晩云Z縮圄
, 1982 (46) :1-27.
[3] 吩臓崗.晩云Zにおける娩鞭嘖~と寓{來[J].冱Z, 2001 (11) :26-32.
[4] 川鷲雑.仝てもらう々猟の吭龍について[J]q冱Z親僥鹿, 2001 (5) :97-108.